Oct 10, 2021
Get ready for some PINK ROCK because we got Ian Luckey from
Kirby's Dream
Band to talk about the upcoming Brew Game Plus
3 video game music festival in Orange County, California and
what to expect. Plus we talk about about Ian's love for Kirby games
and how that led to Kirby's Dream Band, Sora in Smash, Metroid
Dread, MAGFest memories, what's next for KDB, and Ian's new music
Get more Kirby's Dream Band at kirbysdreamband.bandcamp.com. Brew
Game Plus 3 takes place on Saturday, October 16th at Aztec Brewery
in Vista, CA. Get your tickets at
brewgameplusvgm3.brownpapertickets.com. You can also support Nerd
Music Meltdown at patreon.com/ongakuoverdrive.
"The Meltdown" theme by RoboRob